Class Levels

Ray Hosokawa - FWJC President - 5th Dan
Scott Coleman - 1st Dan
Tom Pertile - 3rd Dan
Patrice – 1st Dan
Safety is of utmost importance. All activities are centered on the child's safety and wellbeing.
Students will start with basic tumbling skills. Somersaults, backwards rolls and falling drills.
They will learn to participate in a group environment, try new skills and push the envelope to new heights.
In the beginner class the student will learn the first principle of judo:
Jita Kyoei - Mutual benefit and welfare.
-Meaning the students must learn to work together, be a good partner.
-Discover when you help others, you help yourself.
All of the instructors have years of experience working with children of all backgrounds and abilities.
We keep our beginners engaged and involved in the task at hand.
Progress is judged by rolling skills and confidence level. Before progressing to the Intermediate class,
students must demonstrate proficiency in the following skills:
-Active listening and participation
-Respect for Sensei instruction (following direction)
-Respect for other students
-Ukemi (falling techniques)
-Respect for judogi and obi (uniform maintenance)
NOTE REGARDING PROMOTIONS AND ADVANCEMENT INTO THE NEXT CLASS: Judo is an individual sport/activity. Everyone must progress at his/her own pace according to his/her abilities. There is no set time limit on when a student reaches the next level. When the student demonstrates the required level of proficiency is when the student can advance.
Ian Salavon - 3rd Dan
Armand Monthe - 2nd Dan
'Big' Bill Peron - 4th Dan
Sara – 3rd Dan
Students will develop and learn specific Judo skills building Judo knowledge.
Learn the 3 basic principles of throwing.
-Kuzushi - Off balance.
-Tsukuri - The entry or fit in
-Kake - The execution or throw/finish
To complete a Judo throw all 3 parts must come together. Not that easy, but with training and determination you will be successful.
Students will also learn the basics for understanding newaza (groundwork).
They will learn the basic osaekomiwaza (pinning techniques and escapes).
Students will learn the various techniques for proper uchikomi (fitting in or muscle memory skills).
In the intermediate class the student will learn the second principle of judo:
Seiryoku Zenyo - Maximum efficiency with minimum effort.
-Technique and skill overcome brute strength
-To use your opponents force against them
To complete the intermediate level, the student must pass a written and practical test promoting the student to Yellow Belt. (Promotion to Yellow Belt does not automatically mean the student is ready for the Advanced Class)
NOTE REGARDING PROMOTIONS AND ADVANCEMENT INTO THE NEXT CLASS: Judo is an individual sport/activity. Everyone must progress at his/her own pace according to his/her abilities. There is no set time limit on when a student reaches the next level. When the student demonstrates the required level of proficiency is when the student can advance.
Tommy Dyer - FWJC Head Coach - 7th Dan
Matt Jackson - 3rd Dan
Roger Jackson - 5th Dan
Morgan – 2nd Dan
In the advanced class, the students will build on their abilities and continue to perfect their Judo skills.
They will learn to practically apply Judo techniques in a tournament setting.
Our main focus is on Olympic Judo, This is where you learn tournament rules, strategy and skills.
The instructors will coach students on:
-Gripping strategies (kumikata)
-Variations of techniques already learned
-Combination techniques (renrakuwaza)
-New techniques that students can use their fundamental knowledge of Judo to understand.
The student will work with instructors to develop a style that suits his/her abilities.
This is where the student will learn that not all Judo techniques are applied the same way.